Greyhound Literary

Saskia Gwinn

Saskia Gwinn is an author of children's books. She has worked in children's publishing for nearly 20 years, crafting best-selling, award-winning non-fiction books to inspire kids on almost everything from how time began to the silliest things in the world today. She lives in Hertfordshire with her two boys who hope dinosaurs will one day revisit Earth. 

Her first picture book, I Am NOT the Easter Bunny!, was published by Simon & Schuster in February 2023. Her non-fiction books for children include Scientists are Saving the World! So Who is Working on Time Travel? (Magic Cat, 2022), Secret Stories of Nature: A Field Guide to Uncover Our Planet's Past (Wide Eyed Editions, 2023) and Along Came a Burp: A Fart-packed Science Story (Templar, 2024).