Samatar Elmi
Samatar Elmi is an award winning writer, musician and educator. His debut pamphlet, ‘Portrait of Colossus’ (flipped eye press, 2021), was selected as a PBS Pamphlet Choice. His stunning debut collection, ‘The Epic of Cader Idris’ (Bloomsbury, 2024), includes the 2021 Geoffrey Dearmer Prize winning poem. Poems have appeared widely including in Poetry, Prairie Schooner, Poetry Review, Poetry Wales, Magma, and Iota and anthologised in More Fiya, Filigree, After Plath, and The Echoing Gallery. Elmi is an Obsidian Fellow, flipped eye press associate poetry editor, and Scarf Magazine poetry editor.
As Knomad Spock, his debut album, ‘Winter of Discontent’ was critically acclaimed in print (Clash Magazine, Afropunk, GoldFlakePaint, Equate Magazine) and radio (BBC 6 Music, BBC Wales, Amazing Radio, Radio X). His recent albums ‘A Darker Light’ and ‘Through the Walls’ are available on Bandcamp.