Guy Adams

As a ghost writer, Guy has kicked heroin, robbed a casino, worked as a prison doctor and enjoyed the riches that come as part of being a hugely successful YouTuber.
When feeling more himself, he is the author of The Clown Service novels, the Heavens Gate trilogy and the famous sixties newspaper strip that never existed, Goldtiger. He also writes comics for various publishers including 2000AD.
He has twice been a finalist in the BBC Audio Drama Awards and as well as writing hundreds of hours of Doctor Who is the co-author of Arkham County for Audible and Children of the Stones for BBC Sounds.
He also writes about and reviews and watches and watches and watches film.
He lives in Eastbourne with fellow author and live-in genius AK Benedict and their daughters (one hairy and canine, the other human) Verity and Dame Margaret Rutherford.